
1. IT - Consulting and procurement of IT – Services for integrated solutions

  • general Consulting services and Project Management for Information systems
  • Project analysis ( Project objectives, Cost estimation, project scheduling etc. )
  • Project planning and controlling
  • Coordination and leading of Project groups
  • Internal organization of the company and IT – application
  • Specify and access Concepts
  • System analysis and defining detailed specifications
  • Programming
  • Installation and Implementation of Software Modules
  • Training
  • Support

    2. Personal Consulting ( recruiting of IT – Professionals)

  • Consultation for the Customer
  • Registration of Job description
  • Create and analyze the customer profile (See enclosure: "Customer Profile")
  • Register and classify Applicants data, store and update Database
  • Determine and recommend suitable candidates to the clients
  • Lead the interviews in India on behalf of the Clients
  • Advising and supporting regarding employment agreement
  • Advising and supporting regarding permission granting (Visa etc.)
  • Other necessary services

    3. Business Consulting, Trading and procurement of services

  • Study of Market and Market analysis based on your Enterprise needs
  • Feasibility Study
  • Product based information and data
  • survey of Statistical and production data
  • Application fields, price organization
  • production methods and processing
  • Sales, transportation and Distribution methods
  • Present market situation of raw material and resources
  • Main producers and suppliers
  • Sample administration and material audit certifying
  • procurement of financing and co-investors
  • Acquisition or leasing of real estates production plants
  • getting permissions and approvals for company establishment
  • project planning and Implementation
  • procure Production and administrative resources
  • Introduce and implement internal organization and IT – Technology
  • Acquisition of patents and licenses
  • represent at court of arbitration
